CaptnBoat public API documentation
The Capt'n Boat public API allows you to transmit the creation of a need to the Capt'n Boat sales team
For this you need to
- Create a boat
- Create an ad
- Create a Job
- Fill in the billing information of your customer
The sales team will then contact your client to finalize the reservation of your Sailor (Skipper / Hostess ... ) and will send him, payment link, invoice and contract by mail.
Objectives of the API
The objective of the CaptnBoat public API is to open certain functionalities of the platform to external users to allow them to publish CaptnBoat ads directly from their digital infrastructure. In particular, this API allows to:
- Register the external user's vessels
- Create an ad for this vessel. An ad corresponds to a given mission for this vessel, and can include several positions to be filled
- Create a job description for a mission
- Cancel a request.
- Retrieve the contact information of the found sailor.
The API is not designed to manage the ships and announcements published. This functionality is made possible by the CaptnBoat user interface, through which all boats, missions and vacancies can be consulted/administered.
Technical implementation
The external API of CaptnBoat is a GraphQL API. Its access is limited to users with a connection token, provided on request by Captnboat.
In this documentation, all the available queries are detailed and illustrated by a simple example. For more details on the technical implementation of this API, please contact the CaptnBoat team at the following address:
Each connection to the external API must be made with the authentication token, passed in the x-api-key
Detail of available requests
Registering a vessel
To register a vessel, all the following information about a vessel is passed to the API:
- its name
- the name of the builder
- the model name
- its size
- its propulsion type (sail or engine)
- its hull type (monohull or multihull)
- its flag ID (more details later to retrieve the list of flags)
- its engine power if it is a motor vessel
- its registration number
- a list of photos (url list)
- whether the boat has an autopilot or not
Following the registration of a vessel, the API sends in response the ID of the newly created vessel.
In case the same information is passed several times to register a vessel, it will not be recreated, the API will simply return the ID of the already registered vessel with similar info.
⚠️ Ships in the database are attached to a flag, the list of which includes over 200 entries. An API request is available to list the flags.
List the flags.
{listFlags {nodes {idname}}}Example of a request
curl '' \-X POST \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-H 'x-api-key: 4dd092283af8df27dd2943333149b7f7' \-d '{"query":"{listFlags{nodes{id name}}}"}'Register a boat.
To register a vessel, the GraphQL API offers the mutation:
mutation CreateBoat { createBoat( input: { name: "testBoat3" flagId: "ef08f160-9858-464b-9e59-a93f94ad5260" boatPictures: [""] boatType: MOTORBOAT builderName: "jo boats" enginePower: 10 hullLength: 1.5 hullType: MONOHULL modelName: "jo boat 1" registrationNumber: "registration" asAutopilot: true } ) { boat { id } }}
In case the same information is passed several times, the boat will not be recreated, and the mutation will just return its ID
name: String!
flagId: UUID!
boatPictures: [String]
boatType: BoatTypeEnum!
The accepted values are: :MOTORBOAT
builderName: String!
enginePower: Int!
hullLength: Float!
hullType: HullTypeEnum!
The accepted values are: :MONOHULL
modelName: String!
registrationNumber: String
asAutopilot: Boolean
{"data": {"createBoat": {"boat": {"id": "b408c93b-74a7-4d67-9fdd-a61f764e2284"}}}}
Create a job
In order to create a mission, information about the route and the ports of departure and arrival are required, as well as the id of a vessel. This mutation is therefore usually executed directly after the creation of a vessel, unless the id of the registered vessels are stored by the user. To create a mission, we dispose of the following mutation:
mutation CompleteAd { createCompleteAd( input: { adType: CHARTER boatId: "b408c93b-74a7-4d67-9fdd-a61f764e2284" startDate: "2022-06-01" endDate: "2022-06-15" spokenLanguage: ["245e9757-a9ab-4fd8-af33-f99498d5d3ef"] endHarborLattitude: 47.27991613225704 endHarborLongitude: -2.1976906604134157 startHarborLattitude: 47.27991613225704 startHarborLongitude: -2.1976906604134157 passengerNumber: 10 description: "Une description" commercialActivity: false } ) { ad { id } }}
startDate: Datetime!
boatId: UUID!
endDate: Datetime!
startHarborLattitude: Float!
startHarborLongitude: Float!
endHarborLattitude: Float!
endHarborLongitude: Float!
adType: AdTypeEnum!
The accepted values are::CHARTER
passengerNumber: integer
passengerNumber: Int
description: String
commercialActivity: Boolean
f private client no, if professional yes.spokenLanguage: [UUID]!
The possible values for spokenLanguages
are listed in the following query::
{ languages { nodes { id name } }}
{"data": {"createCompleteAd": {"ad": {"id": "2c2bf016-5604-4e71-bf81-3a1e7399ee9d"}}}}
Create a job offer
To get an estimation of a sailor's salary
query price { estimatedPrice( adType: DELIVERY endDate: "2024-08-15" endHarborLattitude: 47.27991613225704 endHarborLongitude: -2.1976906604134157 startHarborLattitude: 47.27991613225704 startHarborLongitude: -2.1976906604134157 hullLength: 1.5 positionType: SKIPPER startDate: "2024-08-08" )}
- Payload
endDate: String!
startDate: String!
: Float!
: Float!
: Float!
: Float!
: AdTypeEnum!The accepted values are::
COACHING``hullLength: Float!
positionType: PositionEnum!
The accepted values are:: SKIPPER
: Float!
: PositionEnum!The accepted values are::
{"data": {"estimatePrice": {"cost": 2360}}}
To create a job offer, basic information about the profile being searched for, as well as billing information, is requested. The mission ID is also requested, so this migration is usually executed directly following the creation of a mission, unless the identification of the created missions is stored in the database. To create a job offer, we have the following mutation:
mutation CompleteJob { createCompleteJob( input: { billingDateOfBirth: "2000-01-01" billingEmail: "``" billingFirstname: "jo" billingLanguage: "fr" billingLastname: "durand" billingPhoneNumber: "1234567890" billingRegistrationNumber: "ag-y78hn5" billingSiret: "1234567890" positionType: SKIPPER price: 1500 adId: "20ca3ae7-a1c0-4bba-984f-0a9c952f7207" billingAdressFirstLine: "52 rue Truffaut" billingAdressZipCode: "75017" billingAdressCityName: "Paris" billingAdressCountry: "FR" lessor: "" referenceId: "12" reserved: "FAVOURITES" } ) { job { id } }}
- Payload
billingDateOfBirth: String!
billingEmail: String!
billingFirstname: String!
billingLanguage: String
billingLastname: String!
billingPhoneNumber: String!
billingRegistrationNumber: String!
billingSiret: String
positionType: PositionEnum!
The accepted values are: SKIPPER
price: Float!
adId: UUID!
billingAdressFirstLine: String!
billingAdressZipCode: String!
billingAdressCityName: String!
billingAdressCountry: String!
lessor : String
referenceId: String
You can link a Capt'n Boat job request to your file by filling in this reference field in order to connect a file to a Capt'n Boat job request.
reserved : ReservedEnum
The accepted values are: ALL
{"data": {"createCompleteJob": {"job": {"id": "636301f5-6c31-4d20-88c6-4eb8ddd81382"}}}}
Annuler une demande
To cancel a job request you created, you need the job posting ID or the reference if you provided one during creation. The mutation is as follows:
mutation CancelJob { cancelJob( input: { reason: "DELAYED" jobId: "636301f5-6c31-4d20-88c6-4eb8ddd81382" referenceId: "12" } ) { job { id } }}
: String- "FOUND" : "I found a sailor through another channel."
- "DELAYED" : "My need is postponed."
- "NOT_FOUND" : "I can't find any matching profiles."
- "ERROR" : "The ad contains errors."
- "DUPLICATE" : "Duplicate"
- "CONTACT" : "To be contacted by a salesperson"
- "OTHER" : "Another reason"
jobId: String
referenceId: String
{"data": {"cancelJob": {"job": {"id": "636301f5-6c31-4d20-88c6-4eb8ddd81382"}}}}Sailors' offers
You can find all the offers that have been made by the sailors. :
query offres { jobOffers( jobId: "636301f5-6c31-4d20-88c6-4eb8ddd81382" referenceId: "12" ) { captnBoatProfil firstName isCaptnBoatApprooved isFavoris picture price travelFee urlSignature }}
picture: String
firstName: String
urlSignature: String
price: Float
travelFee: Float
isFavoris: Boolean
isCaptnBoatApprooved: Boolean
captnBoatProfil: String
{"data": {"sailorContact": {"captnBoatProfil": "","firstName": "","isCaptnBoatApprooved": "","isFavoris": "","picture": "","price": "","travelFee": "","urlSignature": "",}}}
Sailor contact
Once the service has been paid for by the client, you can retrieve the seafarer's contact information with the following query:
query contact { sailorContact( jobId: "636301f5-6c31-4d20-88c6-4eb8ddd81382" referenceId: "12" ) { nodes { firstName birthCountry birthPlace birthday cityAdress civility countryAdress email lastName natinality phoneNumber } }}
firstName: String
lastName: String
email: String
phoneNumber: String
civility: CivilityEnum
birthday: Datetime
birthPlace: String
birthCountry: String
natinality: String
countryAdress: String
cityAdress: String
price: Float
travelFee: Float
degree: String
invoice: String
contract: String
{"data": {"sailorContact": {"firstName": "","birthCountry": "","birthPlace": "","birthday": "","cityAdress": "","civility": "","countryAdress": "","email": "","lastName": "","natinality": "","phoneNumber": ""}}}
Sailor's rating
Once the service has been completed and the client has left a comment for the mission :
query notation { jobNotation( jobId: "636301f5-6c31-4d20-88c6-4eb8ddd81382" referenceId: "12" ) { notation comment }}
comment: String
notation: String
{"data": {"sailorContact": {"notation": "","comment": "",}}}For further enquiries, please contact us at